Jicheng Feng

Date:2020-09-01Views:1055 设置

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About AIL group: electric field lines as a drawing tool for 3D nanoprinting

Group Leader   Research statement  Group news  Publications  Group members

Group leader


Jicheng FengAssistant Professor, PI

AddressHuaxia Middle Road 393, School of physical science and technology


Group website: www.jcfenglab.com 


Dr. Jicheng Feng obtained his PhD with Prof. A. Schmidt-Ott from Delft University of Technology in 2016 on “Scalable spark ablation synthesis of nanoparticles: fundamental considerations and application in textile nanofinishing”. He then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. M. Koper at Leiden University for almost 2 years. In 2018, he joined the group of Prof. M. Choi at Seoul National University, where he was employed as research assistant professor. Since September 2020, he has been appointed to a tenure-track Assistant Professor (PI) at ShanghaiTech University, where he leads the Aerosol Intelligence Laboratory (AIL).

His interests are in aerosol nanotechnology, nanoscale additive manufacturing (3D nanoprinting), nanoparticle technology (high entropy alloys, immiscible alloys), and textile nanofinishing.


Research Statement


Emerging technologies—such as 3D printing, quantum computing, and wearable devices—hold great promise for improving daily lives. For nourishing the emerging technologies, Aerosol Intelligence Laboratory (AIL) sets a new research direction to map out the future of system-level integration and the advanced packaging solutions. “Aerosol” usually gives the first impression of smog, whereas our group transforms this stereotype into powerful nanomanufacturing technologies to create smart materials, to explore and to invent novel functionalities, and to address the design – or inverse – problem. Our key aims are to devise new physical-chemical schemes through printing functional materials and micro/nano-scale devices.

Based on aerosol nanotechnology, our group harnesses the “artificial lightning” to create aerosol nanoparticles ranging from single metals to unprecedented alloys (e.g., high-entropy alloys and immiscible alloys). Using these nanoparticles as building blocks, we also control the 3D architectures with nanometer-scale control over the size, orientations, and position of each nanostructure. Based on the understanding of the complex aerosol systems, we weave together various possibilities for unprecedented forms of matter–--from nanomanufacturing to 3D printing. The resulting structures can cover self-organized materials, active bio-inspired materials and metamaterials that have mechanical or optical or electrical properties that do not occur in nature. This highly promising discipline will open up new horizons in many fields, just name a few: nanoscale additive manufacturing (also known as 3D nanoprinting), chip technology, catalysts, microelectronics, optics, nanofinishing and particle metallurgy.

Our group has rich resources and a few vacancies as research assistant professor, post-doctoral researchers and postgraduate students. If you are interested in lithography technology, nanoscale 3D printing, aerosol technology and nanoparticle technology (e.g,, high-entropy alloys, immiscible alloys), please send an email to fengjch@shanghaitech.edu.cn

June 2024, Bingyan's work was published in Advanced Materials. This work reported the ability for 4D printing of structural colors with subwavelength metal nanostructures. For the first time, we realized the operando observation/measurement of the color dynamics during 3D nanoprinting. Read more. 

Mar. 2024, Shirong's work was selected as the back cover. Congratulations! Read more

Jan. 2024, Jicheng attended the Annual Meeting for Major Research Plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 

Dec. 2023, Jicheng gave an invited talk in 2023 Data-driven High-entropy Alloys. 

Nov. 2023, Shirong's work was published in Advanced Funcational Materials. In this work, we leveraged three electrically biased planes for configuring the electric fields into nanoscale. These nanoscale fields were used to predict and control the printed feature sizes. 

Oct. 2023, our work was highlighted again by Nature Electronics ( click here for more)

Sep. 2023, Again, Bingyan's paper was featured by Editors Highlights ( read more), showcasing the best 50 papers published in an area. 

Sep. 2023, Bingyan's paper was chosen as the Featured Image ( read more) by the Editorial Team from Nature Communications. 

Oct. 2023, Jicheng gave an invited talk in The 14th Aerosol Conference in China, Hefei, Anhui. 

Sep. 2023, Many AIL members attended the European Aerosol Conference 2023, Malaga, Spain. We had 2 oral and 4 poster presentations. Yuxiang Yin won the Best Poster Award among approximately 700 posters. Well done and Congratulations! 

Sep. 2023, Jicheng was invited to give a speech in Welcoming ceremony for the freshmen of 2023 from Dadao College.

Aug. 2023, Story behind our paper: Beyond nanolithography: A 3D printing paradigm shit

Aug. 2023, Our paper was published in Nature Communications: Metal 3D nanoprinting with coupled fields

Oct. 2021, Our paper was published in Additive Manufacturing: Virtually Probing 'Faraday 3D Nanoprinting'

Oct. 2021, Three new members: Yuxiang, Jingui and Yueqi, welcome to join AIL!

Aug., 2021, European Aerosol Conference (virtual), gave an oral presentation for Aerosol-based 3D Nanoprinting

Nov. 05, 2020, Chief Editor from Matter picks our article for a preview. 

Oct. 07, 2020, An invited talk at SoSe20: 


Selected publications


Invited Book

 J. Feng, K. Lee, M. Choi, Patterned 3D nanostructure arrays from charged aerosols, Jenny Stanford Publishing, Book title: Spark ablation: building blocks for nanotechnology, 273-300

Publications in a role as the corresponding author*

1.      B. Liu, Q. Liu, J. Feng*, Operando Colorations from Real-Time Growth of 3D-Printed Nanoarchitectures. Advanced Materials, 2024, 2404977.  

2.      S. Liu, J. Ai, Y. Zhang, J. Feng*, Programmable and parallel 3D nanoprinting using configured electric fields (Adv. Funct. Mater. 13/2024). Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 34(13), 2470076.

3.      S. Liu, J. Ai, Y. Zhang, J. Feng*, Programmable and parallel 3D nanoprinting using configured electric fields. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 34(13), 2308734. (Selected as the Back Cover)

4.      B. Liu, S. Liu, V. Devaraj, Y. Yin, Y. Zhang, J. Ai, Y. Han, J. Feng*, Metal 3D nanoprinting with coupled fields, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 4920. (Highlighted by Nature Electronics and Nature Communications. Selected as the Featured Image.)

5.      Y. Jung, P. V. Pikhitsa, S. Liu, W. Jung, J. Shin, B. Liu, Y. Han, K. Kim, M. Choi*, J. Feng*, Virtually probing “Faraday three-dimensional nanoprinting”, Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 48, 102432.

6.      W.Jung, Y. Jung, P. V.   Pikhitsa, J. Feng, Y. Yang, M. Kim, H. Tsai, T. Tanaka, J. Shin, K. Kim, H.   Choi, J. Rho, M. Choi, Three-dimensional nanoprinting via charged aerosol jets, Nature, 2021, 59254-59.

7.      J. Feng*, D. Chen, P. Pikhitsa, Y, Jung, J. Yang, M. Choi*, Unconventional alloys confined in nanoparticles: Building blocks for new matter, Matter, 2020, 3(5), 1646-1663. (MAP1-Disovery, 归类于重大发现Matter已发表文章的2%)

8.      J. Feng*, X. Guo, N. Ramlawi,T. V. Pfeiffer,R. Geutjens,S. Basak,H. Nirschl, G. Biskos,H.W. Zandbergenc, A. Schmidt-Ott*, Green manufacturing of metallic nanoparticles: a facile and universal approach to scaling up, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 11222-11227.

9.      J. Feng*, E. Hontañón, M. Blanes, X. Guo, L. Santos, L. Paltrinier, N. Ramlawi, J. Meyer, L. d. Smet, H. Nirschl, F. E. Kruis, A. Schmidt-Ott, G. Biskos*, Scalable and environmentally benign process for smart textile nanofinishing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (23), 14756-14765. (Highlighted in Nanowerk and TEVO as well as Sciencenet.cn.)

10.J. Feng*, N. Ramlawi, G. Biskos, A. Schmidt-Ott, Internally mixed nanoparticles by oscillatory spark ablation between electrodes of different materials, Aerosol Science and Technology, 2018, 52(5), 505-514.

11.J. Feng*, R. Geutjens, T.V. Nguyen, J. Li, X. Guo, A. Keri, S. Basak, G. Galbács, G. Biskos, H.W. Zandbergen, E.H. Brück, A. Schmidt-Ott*, Magnetic phase transition in ternary LaFeSi nanoalloys, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (7), 6073–6078.

12.J. Feng*, D. Chen, A. Sediq. S. Romeijn, F.D. Tichelaar, W. Jiskoot, J. Yang, M. Koper*, Cathodic corrosion of a bulk wire to functional nanocrystals and nanoalloys, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(11), 9532-9540.

Group Members

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