

01 维也纳艺术史博物馆之“镇馆之宝”




Dear friends of sanlianzhongdu,


My name is Sabine Haag,I’m working for the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. I’m the general director, and i’m responsible for three museums which is the Kunsthistorisches Museum,  the Ethnographic Museum, and the theater museum in Vienna.



the Kunsthistorisches Museum holds the form imperial collections of the Habsburg family, which were collected over 650 years of time. the Habsburg family collected everything that was of the  most importance of European collections.these were coins and medals, this was the early beginning of the collections. then they also started collecting Kunstkammer-objects, paintings, musical instruments, arms armor,carriages, and many many other things.everything that made up for the imperial wealth of the imperial richness.and it was collected by the Habsburg family and handed over from generation to generation.


the Habsburg family was one of the most important dynasties in Europe, starting in the 13th century, when the founding of the dynasty became very important. they started out in the central part of Europe, then the empire started growing.with the marriage of  Maximilian the first with the princess from Burgundy, this really started the rise of the Habsburg family as one of the most important European dynasties, and this continue to be so until the downfall of the monarchy in 1918 after the first world war.


the Habsburgs were also starting with Maximilian the first, they became the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire,the largest empire in Europe, the boundaries of which were constantly growing but also changing.but it was the most important empire in Europe,many different languages were spoken in this holy roman empire.and it was really the one that a kind of Europe shaped the policies of the Europe, and was the most important dynasty until the end of world war I.


MAXIMILIAN I 丢勒的《马克西米利安一世的肖像》

Before the Kunsthistorisches Museum was built, all of the artworks and the collections were dispersed all over several residences.Francis Joseph I, the emperor of the  Habsburg starting from  1848 had the idea of building one museum to house all the treasures under one roof. and this was really the birth situation of the Kunsthistorisches Museum. it took 20 years to build the museum  together with its counter part, the natural museum.


 the Kunsthistorisches Museum was opened on 17th october in 1891, and it was one of the most famous buildings along theRingstraße, in German we say Gesamtkunstwerk. it’s a unity of the artworks, architecture, interior decoration and the collections, forming entity, forming a dialogue , a permanent dialogue. the best architects, the best interior decorator, the painters ,architects were employed to built and to design the museum.and today also the paintings  by Gustav Klimt probably are also the most important and most well known parts of the Kunsthistorisches Museum. today the most important collections of the  Kunsthistorisches Museum are still on display  in this very building and attracts about 1.5 million visitors a year.


Dame mit lila Schal 古斯塔夫•克里姆特

when our  visitors come to visit  Kunsthistorisches Museum they come for various reasons.all of the collections show parts of the most important art pieces in the world. when our visitors visit for example the collections of  Greek and Roman antiquities, they come to see the Gemma Augustea  which is one of the most important cameos of the world showing the coronations of emperor Augustus in the roman empire. then they go on and move on to see the Kunstkammer-collections which is the most important collections of its kind in the world, the icon of it is probably the so called Saliera ,  the sort of pepper vessel made by the Benvenuto cellini, it is the most important gold and enamels work, and it was used by commission by the french king.


when our visitors then go on to visit paintings gallery, it’s difficult to decide which way to go first, where to visit the most important collections of 12 originals by peter bruegel the elder,  or whether you want to see one of the largest collections by Peter Paul Rubens or by Rembrandt, but also we have the most famous portrait of the emperor Maximilian I by Albrecht Dürer. we have the only  surviving  paintings in Austria by young Vermeer.the art of painting.  and then  of course the  coins and medals with the alchemist’s medallion, it is very important to visit. only if you go and  see the Kunsthistorisches Museum in its main building, but as i said there were many other locations of the Kunsthistorisches Museum which are also worth well visiting.




it’s very difficult to name three of the most important objects of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, but let me try.



certainly the icon of the Kunstkammer-collection is so called the Saliera by Benvenuto Cellini. it was created in paris between 1540-1543 for the french king,  Frances I, and it’s a piece of a goldsmith’s work and it was a commission for french king Frances I, showing Neptune and Tellus sitting opposite of each other, one is presenting  salt, the other one is presenting the pepper, and of course it is much more than just presenting those minerals.It’s really an representation of the causing of the world and of course the Frances I, the commissioner should be presented as the head of it all.It’s the only surviving goldsmith work of Benvenuto Cellini who was the most important goldsmith of the Mannerist era.

当然,在Kunstkammer(艺术馆)收藏中,最有代表性的是意大利雕塑家本韦努托·切利尼制作的《盐罐》。这是 1540-1543期间,他在巴黎为法国国王佛朗西斯一世而设计的。这是一个金匠的作品,被佛朗西斯一世委托所作,展示了海神尼普顿和泰勒斯在两个不同的方向对坐着,一个指向盐,另一个指向胡椒,当然这件作品的价值不止是用来展示这些矿物质。它实际上代表了世界的起因,当然还有弗朗西斯一世,这位长官应该成为代表这一切的头领。这是金匠作本韦努托·切利尼制作的唯一存世的品,他是风格主义时代最重要的金匠。



if we think about the most important work of the paintings collection, i would suggest  the Pieter Bruegel the Elder,The Tower of Bable which is one of  twelve panels by this very important painter of the middle 16th century. Pieter Bruegel the Elder was one of the main protagonist of painting in this era. and he was a very learned man, he traveled to italy  but he worked in Brussels.and he was painting not only the life of the peasents  as was a thought for many times.but he was also interpreting the scripts.and if we talk about the Tower of the Bable, which  is probably  his most  important composition.he talks about the ambition of man to become even more important than God, but he also shows what happens if languages are mixed ,if people don’t communicate ,if people don’t work together, if they don’t understand each other, everything is doomed to fail.the human hybrids is communicated with this painting which is painted on wood of very fine wooden panel.


 第三件镇馆之宝:《奥古斯都宝石浮雕》Gemma Augustea

thirdly i would like to point out is the so called Gemma Augustea which is probably the highlight of the greek and roman collections, it’s a cameos which is one of the largest cameos worldwide. it was produced under Augustus, and it shows the coronation of Augustus. it’s a very very fine relief carved into the hard stone of satonics  which is a one of the most important stones that was  tackled in the antique times.the relief is very fine and on the upper of storyline ,it tells the carination of Augustus, and on the lower part it choose the imperial ego, which of course connects with the imperial emblen , but also shows the hight develop skills and technic of the antique stone carves of  tradition. and that it  was later on handed to other generations of artists.the piece came into the collections via Rudolf II who was be  lover of the arts but also be lover of stone carving.and so it was just natural that he wanted to buy the most important cameos that was still extend of ancient times.



probably the most emotional part of my directorship in the Kunsthistorisches Museum was when the Saliera that  i was talking about the piece by Benvenuto Cellini, after it was stolen, came back two years later. the thief has stolen the piece we still do not really know how he did it.but it was really a trauma big nightmare for the museum and director general Beck then was  not in Vienna when it was stolen he also was not back in Vienna. when it came back, so I was called to the museum and i had to authenticate the piece ,i had to unpack and i had to give it back to the collection.and you can imagine how emotional this was. and when we reopen the Kunstkammer-collections in 2013,it was my most eminent, and most emotional moment when i put back the Saliera into its showcase to give it a safe home. and ever since then it has been visited and adored  by many many visitors and i’ve been very proud of this.



museums are really the safe guards, the keepers of the collections, of a museum. those collections they tell us so much about the history, about the DNAs, so to see of our present times. artworks were collected to show the artistic value but also show the topics that artists and also collectors and societies are dealing several moments in time.


nowadays, it’s our most eminent effort and our most eminent importance to connect with the audiences to tell them much about the artworks, to tell them why they are so important, which stories they are telling, in which ways they are connected in history and certain moment of time, but also to show us and explain to us and audiences why this important to still keep them and to open them up for the audiences and for future generations.the artworks are really the moment to tell us about the important questions of humanity, of religions, of history, of artistic theories, and i think this is why it is so important to show them to the world.


王化岩 、 DawnChen 陈曦 、 快乐不适 、 飞扬的温柔 、 138*****066 、 153*****859 、 山霞 、 152*****008 34人推荐



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